Leon Goretzka underperformed in Bayern Munich’s midfield

19 July 2023 - 3:07 am


Another report suggests Bayern Munich midfielder Leon Goretzka should pack his bags.

Sky Sports reporter Florian Plettenberg has an update, including a key message at the end of his tweet, suggesting Goretzka is now firmly in the midfield standings after a few days of training camp. Behind Joshua Kimmich and Konrad Lemer:

As mentioned above, at least Manchester United and West Ham have already expressed sketchy interest. Will the Germany international move on in the coming weeks?

BFW analysis

If you want me to wear my tinfoil hat (you know you love it!), I’d say this is some sort of guerrilla marketing by Bayern Munich to let people know via the media that Goretzka needs to pack his bags. As a popular figure in the dressing room (unlike some others in the many stories we’ve seen), Bayern Munich can’t simply stand up and tell Goretzka to hit the bricks.

Too many reports have been leaked lately (all with similar themes) and there is absolutely zero support from Thomas Tuchel or any of the Bayern Munich executives.

Like… no. compression. zero. zilch. nothing.

For a player who was considered untouchable two seasons ago, Goretzka now appears to be off the roster. Is this all driven by Tuchel (who is clearly not a fan) or has Gretzka pissed off enough of the wrong people in the wrong way in the top management that it is “time” for him to go ? Or…was Tuchel given so much power that he has the ability to oust a player of Goretzka’s stature within the club (long-term starter, leadership council member, Germany international, six-time winner)?

Either way, there are new stories emerging every day that he’s free to leave and that he’s fallen out of favor, which might not be the best environment for a midfielder in his prime – with Euro 2024 so crucial. The competition is only for one year.