Football Law Amendment for the 2023-2024 Season

24 September 2023 - 2:24 am

Football leagues starting this week across Europe and around the world are seeing the implementation of new amendments to football law, which we will highlight in detail.

The International Football Association Board (IFAB), which is responsible for competition laws, approved the amendments at its annual meeting in London, the British capital, in March last year.

The regulations stipulate that this amendment will apply to events that start after July 1 after approval; events that start before that date do not need to apply this amendment.

The amendments apply to the Women’s World Cup currently taking place in Australia and New Zealand, as well as tournaments and leagues starting this month.

The following are the new football law amendments that apply this season:

Article 3 (Players)

If any unauthorized person from the scoring team enters or invades the pitch, the following decision will be made:

If the intruder affects the course of the match, the goal is disallowed.
A goal is awarded if it does not interfere with ongoing play at the time it is scored (previous goals will be considered invalid regardless of whether they interfere with play).

Article 6 (Other Referees)

The law allows the reserve assistant referee, who has a clearer view than the referee or his assistant, to further assist the venue referee and advise him and his assistant in all matters that occur on and off the pitch.

Article 7 (Game Time)

Goal celebrations are considered one of the times a referee must make up for during each half-time substitution, as well as compensating for time lost due to interference from any external factors.

Article 10 (Determination of Competition Result)

Yellow cards and verbal warnings received by players and technical staff will not result in penalties during the match. For example, if a player receives a yellow card during a game, he will not be sent off even if he receives a yellow card. During the penalty shootout.

Replace the term “penalty kick” with “penalty kick”.

Article 11 (Offside)

FIFA has introduced new considerations for defenders intentionally passing the ball to an opponent who is in an offside position. Based on these considerations, the referee and assistant referee determine whether the defensive player has committed intentional behavior and direct the game to continue. , or whether there was no intentionality and therefore counted as offside.

The indicators provided by the law to determine whether the ball is played intentionally include:

  • If the ball moves a certain distance within the player’s sight or field of vision.
  • The ball doesn’t move very fast.
  • This ball was no surprise.
  • The player has control over his body, meaning he doesn’t fall to the ground, jump in the air, or any other situation that limits his ability to control the ball.
  • It’s easier to hit the ball on the court than in the air.

Article 12 (Errors and Misconduct)

If the referee awards a penalty kick as a result of a foul committed by a defensive player while competing for possession of the ball with an offensive player (other than in situations where the ball is being held, pulled, pushed, or where the defensive player was not likely to touch the ball), the referee awards a penalty kick and prevents A promising goal scoring opportunity. Defenders will not be penalized with warnings, but if a penalty is awarded and there is an infringement that prevents an actual goal from being scored, the referee will issue a warning rather than an expulsion.

Coaches within the technical area will not be penalized for any infractions committed by (unknown players) outside their technical area.

Article 14 (Penalty kick)

The goalkeeper must not behave in a manner that shows disrespect for the game or the opponent by unfairly distracting the kicker, such as by delaying the kick or touching the goalposts, crossbar or netting.

Video Assistant Referee Agreement

Modify the way VAR works by highlighting the possibility of having more than one video assistant referee and more than one replay operator.